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Australian Catholics Media Internship Shines Light on Student Voice

Posted 14 September 2021 by Catholic Education in News

Australian Catholics magazine has commemorated the Bicentenary of Catholic education in Australia with a youth edition, offering selected students an exciting and unique introduction to a career in the media. The publication was created by a team of guest editors, including Holy Spirit College, Bellambi Year 11 student, Zara Hatton. 

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Praying and Caring for Creation

Posted 2 September 2021 by Catholic Education in 'Environment Matters' Blog

With the arrival of Spring, school communities across the Wollongong Diocese have joined in with the global family to celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation marking the beginning of the annual Season of Creation which runs from 1st September and concludes on 4th October.

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Celebrating St Mary of the Cross MacKillop - A woman of courage and compassion

Posted 6 August 2021 by Catholic Education in News

On Sunday 8 August we celebrate the Feast of St Mary MacKillop, in honour of the first and only Australian saint, and take time to reflect on Mary’s life and the immeasurable impact her devotion and calling has had on Catholic education throughout this country. Over the last two centuries, thousands of dedicated women and men, often with very limited resources, rose to the challenge of building the vibrant and diverse Catholic education system that exists in Australia today, but none more so than St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.

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CatholicCare offer mental health support through Mindfulness webinars

Posted 2 August 2021 by Catholic Education in News

The uncertainty of the current times we live in, mixed with physical distancing and isolation from families and loved ones due to the recent COVID lockdown has left many feeling anxious, stressed, and worried. To help support people through these difficult circumstances, CatholicCare Wollongong has released six Keeping Calm and Connected: Mindfulness webinars with practical steps to reflect and calm the mind. 

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War On Waste at Bowral!

Posted 23 July 2021 by Catholic Education in 'Environment Matters' Blog

There's been a war on waste happening at St Thomas Aquinas Bowral. Since Week 5 in Term 2 the school community has been recycling all of their rubbish, both after morning tea and lunch time as well as in the classroom during wet weather.

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Sister Kerry Macdermott honoured with 2021 NATSICC Non-Indigenous Service to Community Award

Posted 16 July 2021 by Catholic Education in News

In recognition of her hard work and dedication, Sister Kerry Macdermott was recently awarded the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) – 2021 Non-Indigenous Service to Community Award. Over the year Sr Kerry has devoted her life to the service of others, particularly the many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families in the Minto/Macarthur area. 

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Year 12 student gatherings with Bishop Brian Mascord

Posted 13 July 2021 by Catholic Education in News

A scripture passage from the book of Jeremiah and the question “What is the Spirit saying to you as a young person in our world today?” were the focus of the recent diocesan Year 12 gatherings with Bishop Brian Mascord. Over three days, Bishop Brian visited six Catholic secondary schools throughout the diocese, spending time in conversation with more than 1,000 Year 12 students. The days provided opportunities for students to share their hopes, challenges and ask questions. 

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NAIDOC Week 2021: “Heal Country, Heal Our Nation”

Posted 5 July 2021 by Catholic Education in Yarning Circle – News From Around The Diocese

"This year’s NAIDOC theme 'Heal Country, Heal Our Nation' is significant for me as a Catholic Aboriginal woman, my spiritual connection to country is inherent to my identity. It is more than a place it connects me to my faith and culture calling for all of us to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites and our cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration, and destruction. God’s gift of creation for all...."

— Reflection on NAIDOC Week 2021 and this year's theme, 'Heal Country!' from Karan Taylor, CEDoW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education

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No time to WASTE!

Posted 29 June 2021 by Catholic Education in 'Environment Matters' Blog

Waste and not wasting time were key themes explored by students at the recent Secondary Sustainability Conference hosted by Edmund Rice College at Mt Keira.

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Plenary Council agenda calls for missionary, Christ-centred Church

Posted 28 June 2021 by Catholic Education in News

The agenda of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia calls those attending the Council assemblies to “develop concrete proposals to create a more missionary, Christ-centred Church in Australia”.

The Council agenda, which has emerged from three years and several layers of prayer, listening, dialogue and discernment, will shape the program of the Council’s assemblies – the first of which opens on October 3 this year.

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Wonderful Waste Recycling at St Anthony's Picton!

Posted 24 June 2021 by Catholic Education in 'Environment Matters' Blog

There's lots of wonderful things happening in the environmental space at St Anthony's Catholic Primary School at Picton.

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St Therese students take out prize at international academic competition

Posted 24 June 2021 by Catholic Education in News

Eight curious and dedicated Year 5 students from St Therese Catholic Primary School, West Wollongong have been awarded the title of Illawarra NSW Regional winners of the annual Da Vinci Decathlon competition.

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Baking with Baba at Port Kembla

Posted 17 June 2021 by Catholic Education in 'Environment Matters' Blog

The students at St Patrick's Port Kembla recently spent an amazing day working in their permaculture garden, The Living Classroom. Each year, the girls and boys in Year 4 are ‘garden ambassadors’, where they work together in the garden, learning about permaculture principles, building soil, planting trees, growing amazing produce and having fun in the sun – and occasionally the rain!

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CEDoW Schools Reimagine, Recreate and Restore on World Environment Day

Posted 9 June 2021 by Catholic Education in 'Environment Matters' Blog

The annual celebration of World Environment Day on 5th June is always an opportunity for the world to collectively pause and reflect on how we can all better care for our planet. As usual, schools across the Wollongong diocese joined in and celebrated this day with prayer and action, challenged to make a difference for the planet through this year's theme of "Reimagine. Recreate. Restore."

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State of the Art Hospitality Facilities Open at Corpus Christi Oak Flats

Posted 7 June 2021 by Catholic Education in News

The recent construction of a contemporary hospitality trade training kitchen and cafe at Corpus Christi Catholic High School in Oak Flats has the whole school community excited—especially the students.

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Federal Politicians Join Students at John Therry Catholic College For Student Leadership Forum

Posted 4 June 2021 by Catholic Education in News

More than one hundred students across Years 7 to 12 at John Therry Catholic College, Rosemeadow, had the opportunity to put their questions to federal politicians Hon Tanya Plibersek, Shadow Minister for Education and Women; Dr Mike Freelander, Federal Member for Macarthur; and Mr Chris Hayes, Federal Member for Fowler, at a Student Leadership forum recently hosted by the school.

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Students at St John’s Nowra taking action towards Reconciliation

Posted 3 June 2021 by Catholic Education in News

This week Australians join together in celebration of Reconciliation Week. The theme for 2021, ‘More than a Word-Reconciliation Takes Action’ urges us to take up the challenge to make a difference. At St John the Evangelist Catholic High School, Nowra, six Aboriginal and 18 non-Aboriginal students across Years 11 and 12, have embodied the 2021 theme by enrolling in Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies subjects. 

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Teachers Gather to Care for Our Common Home, Our Schools

Posted 2 June 2021 by Catholic Education in 'Environment Matters' Blog

WEN Teacher Contacts from across our diocesan schools recently gathered for their annual Professional Development and Formation Day, Caring for Our Common Home, Our School. Held at the conclusion of Laudato Si' Week, the day proved to be a wonderful opportunity for professional learning, professional dialogue and sharing of best practice in the areas of ecological conversion, environmental education and action.

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Mount Carmel teacher channels bushfire destruction to take out top art prize

Posted 27 May 2021 by Catholic Education in News

Roxanne Lillis is feeling pretty proud of her efforts, and well she should. The gifted visual arts teacher from Mount Carmel Catholic College Varroville has just been announced as the inaugural winner of the Zart National Teacher-Artist Prize – the first art prize for art teachers in the world. 

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Faith In The Future: Diocese Of Wollongong Celebrates 200 Years Of Catholic Education

Posted 25 May 2021 by Catholic Education in News

A celebration to mark the bicentenary of Catholic education in Australia was held on Dharawal land this week, with students from 45 Catholic schools across the Diocese of Wollongong—from the Macarthur, Illawarra, Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands—gathering as one community of faith.

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