2025 Term Dates

Term 1
Friday 31 January to Friday 11 April
Term 2
Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July
Term 3
Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September
Term 4
Monday 13 October to Friday 19 December

2026 Term Dates

Term 1
Tuesday 27 January to Thursday 2 April
Term 2
Monday 20 April to Friday 3 July
Term 3
Monday 20 July to Friday 25 September
Term 4
Monday 12 October to Thursday 17 December

Individual schools may have variations due to staff development days or other events, so please refer to communication from your Catholic school for the most accurate term date information.

Public Holiday Dates NSW

Occasion 2025
New Year's Day
Wednesday 1 January
Australia Day
Monday 27 January
Good Friday
Friday 18 April
Easter Saturday
Saturday 19 April
Easter Sunday
Sunday 20 April
Easter Monday
Monday 21 April
Anzac Day
Friday 25 April
King's Birthday
Monday 9 June
Labour Day
Monday 6 October
Christmas Day
Thursday 25 December
Boxing Day
Friday 26 December
Catholic Care Wollongong
Catholic Diocese of Wollongong
Catholic Schools NSW
National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC)