Student Spotlight

HSC Results Announced For 2024 Students

17 December 2024

The anticipated wait for HSC results is finally over for the Class of 2024, with hard work, resilience, and dedication paying off for many students.

More than a thousand students from our eight systemic Catholic secondary schools and one K-12 college completed the HSC this year, resulting in 369 Distinguished Achievers, with four All-Round Achievers and one Top Achiever. 

The Director of Schools in the Diocese of Wollongong, Peter Hill, congratulated Year 12 students on this significant achievement.

“We all know that education can transform the lives of students, and the acknowledgement of their hard work and dedication to their studies is well deserved."

“I know I speak for our principals and teachers in saying it is a bittersweet thing to bid Year 12 farewell, but our loss is the world’s gain. The resilience and tenacity they have developed will ensure they are well prepared for life after secondary school.”

Peter HillDirector of Schools

On behalf of the teachers and staff at our Catholic schools and the Catholic Education Office, we would like to congratulate the class of 2024 for their achievements this year. 

HSC 'Top Achievers'

Top Achievers lists the students who have achieved one of the top places and a result in the highest band possible in one or more HSC courses:

Student Course School
Gloria Andrea Rivadeneira Pino
Spanish Continuers (4th in State)
Mount Carmel Catholic College, Varroville

HSC 'All Round Achievers'

All-Round Achievers lists the students who have achieved results in the highest band possible for at least 10 units of HSC courses.

Student School
Tallulah Rogers
Holy Spirit College, Bellambi
Andrew Murphy
Corpus Christi Catholic High School, Oak Flats
Joseph Christi
St Benedict's Catholic College, Oran Park
Sarah Jindal
St Francis Catholic College, Edmondson Park

HSC 'Distinguished Achievers'

Distinguished Achievers lists all students who received a result in the highest band possible for one or more courses.

Congratulations to the 369 Distinguished Achievers from our eight Catholic secondary schools and K-12 college, including:

Catholic Care Wollongong
Catholic Diocese of Wollongong
Catholic Schools NSW
National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC)