Student Spotlight

2024 VET Awards

30 August 2024

The Vocational Education and Training (VET) Awards celebrate excellence in VET across both systemic and congregational schools within the diocese and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). The 2024 ceremony was held on Thursday 29 August.

Bella Sacco, [school name] was awarded VET Student of the Year, while Miah Williams, [school name] was awarded School based Trainee (SBAT) of the Year. Nathan Milburn, [school name] was named VET Trainer of the Year. 

More than 1300 students have undertaken training within our RTO this year, demonstrating a commitment to gaining employability skills and making industry connections.

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2024 VET Student Framework Winners

Course Name Award Winner
Business Services
Olivia Sheridan | St Mary Star of the Sea College
Bella Sacco | St Joseph's Catholic High School
Hannah Finlay | Holy Spirit College
Bronte Mathieson | St Mary Star of the Sea College
Amber Dibben | St John the Evangelist Catholic High School
Joel Monteleone | Holy Spirit College
Khloe Fogliani | St Francis Catholic College
Primary Industries
Vince Vaccaro | St Gregory's College
Manufacturing and Engineering
Lewis Eammon | Edmund Rice College
Highly Commended SBAT
Miah Williams | St Joseph's Catholic High School

2024 VET Trainer Framework Winners

Course Name Award Winner
Nathan Milburn | St Joseph's Catholic High School
Maree Durrington | St Patrick's College
Amber Meadley | St Francis Catholic College
Overall Trainer
Nathan Milburn | St Joseph's Catholic High School

Congratulations to all the nominees and winners, especially the overall VET Student, VET Trainer of the Year, and School Based Apprentice or Trainee (SBAT) of the Year.

High school student doing woodwork and smiling.

Learn more about VET in a Catholic school

VET at our Catholic schools is designed to be completed alongside the standard subjects offered in the secondary years. It isn't a choice between a vocational or academic path, and it doesn't limit options.

Learn more
Catholic Care Wollongong
Catholic Diocese of Wollongong
Catholic Schools NSW
National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC)