The Catholic faith has a beauty and depth that is unmatched. Through participation in school and diocesan celebrations, students develop a deep understanding and appreciation of Catholicity and how it is lived and celebrated today.

Engaging celebrations of Eucharist, prayer, and liturgy are central to the life of every Catholic school community. As well as fostering a strong sense of belonging and community, engaging in shared religious practices like prayer and liturgies can positively influence students’ wellbeing and mental health. 

While each school has a unique way of expressing the faith, all students have the opportunity to discover the rich traditions of the Church and meaningfully incorporate Catholic faith and practice into their day-to-day life. 

The chief teacher of the diocese

As a former Catholic school teacher, Bishop Brian Mascord takes his role as the chief teacher of the Diocese of Wollongong seriously. Bishop Brian is a regular visitor to our Catholic schools, and devotes significant time getting to know students, providing pastoral guidance, and leading liturgical celebrations.

Year 6 Masses

Year 6 students gather together each year to celebrate Mass with Bishop Brian and their peers from nearby Catholic schools.

This occasion is an opportunity for students to encounter Christ through the Eucharist in fellowship with other students, and in the presence of their bishop. The Year 6 Mass also aims to help students understand their place in the diocese, what it means to be part of the broader Church community, and how they might embrace their Catholic faith as they prepare to take the big step into secondary school. 

Year 12 gatherings and leadership retreats

Each year, Bishop Brian invites all Year 12 students from our Catholic schools to join with him and our Director of Schools in prayer and informal conversation.  

The aim of these gatherings is for Bishop Brian to wish all Year 12 students well and to celebrate their learning and growth in their final year of school. Bishop Brian provides students with candid answers to their questions and offers advice as they approach their HSC exams and look towards the next stage of their life journey.

Annual retreat for student leaders

Bishop Brian hosts an annual retreat for student leaders in Years 11 and 12. These retreats are highly valued by students, who have the opportunity to reflect on what it means to be a leader in a Catholic school, exploring their spirituality as a bearer of Christ's love while building relationships with peers across our secondary and K-12 schools.

Celebrating God's presence in our lives

The Catholic Church teaches that spirituality is a matter of both body and soul. God created the physical world and, through the sacraments instituted by Jesus, gave us a truly human way to engage in our faith. 

There are seven sacraments. Depending on families’ circumstances and choices, students may receive four of the sacraments during their time at school: Baptism, Reconciliation, First Holy Communion (Eucharist), and Confirmation. 



A new beginning

Baptism is the first of the sacraments and traces its roots back to the early Church and the example set by Jesus. Through Baptism, we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God. We become part of Christ’s body, the Church, and share in God’s mission.

Baptism is essential before receiving any other sacrament. While many Catholics are baptised soon after birth, it’s common for people to receive baptism later in life—including in their early childhood or teenage years.

If you have any questions about Baptism or would like to know more about how your child can prepare for this sacrament, please don't hesitate to reach out to your school or your local parish.


An encounter with God's love

Reconciliation is a beautiful sacrament of healing and forgiveness. Through this sacrament, we encounter God's immense mercy as we confess our sins to a priest, who acts as God's representative. We receive absolution, a profound experience of God's love and forgiveness, and we are reconciled with God and the Church.

In Catholic schools, children typically prepare for and celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time in their early primary years. Regular participation in Reconciliation is encouraged as a way to grow in faith and to deepen our relationship with God.

If you have any questions about Reconciliation or would like to know more about how your child can prepare for this sacrament, please don't hesitate to reach out to your school or your local parish.


The Bread of Life

The Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion, is the source and summit of our Catholic faith. In this sacrament, we receive the real presence of Jesus Christ in the consecrated bread. This sacred meal nourishes our souls, unites us with Christ, and strengthens us to live as his disciples.

First Holy Communion is a momentous occasion for children, usually celebrated in Year 3. Regular reception of the Eucharist is encouraged as a way to deepen our relationship with Christ and to be transformed by his love.

If you have any questions about First Holy Communion or would like to know more about how your child can prepare for this sacrament, please don't hesitate to reach out to your school or your local parish.


Empowered for mission

Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation in which we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Through Confirmation, we are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, strengthening us to live out our faith and to witness to Christ in the world.

In Catholic schools, children typically prepare for and celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation in Year 6. Confirmation is an invitation to embrace a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit and to be empowered for a life of Christian service.

If you have any questions about Confirmation or would like to know more about how your child can prepare for this sacrament, please don't hesitate to reach out to your school or your local parish.

The celebration of the Eucharist, sacraments, and prayer are central to the religious life of every Catholic school. Sacramental preparation and faith formation experiences are offered to students and families throughout the diocese. For further information please contact your local Catholic school or parish, or visit the Diocese of Wollongong website.

Actively serving in the liturgy

The Liturgical Ministries Training Course is offered to students in Years 9, 10, and 11 in Catholic schools of the Diocese of Wollongong. The course prepares students to participate more fully in liturgical roles, including Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Cantors, and Music Ministry.

This training course is collaboratively presented by the Catholic Education Office and the Office of the Bishop. It is designed for students who want to develop a deeper appreciation of the Eucharist and Mass, and an understanding of ministry within a Eucharistic setting. After completing the training, and following approval from their parish priest, students are able to actively participate in Eucharistic ministry in their schools and parish.

Catholic Care Wollongong
Catholic Diocese of Wollongong
Catholic Schools NSW
National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC)