Everyone has questions—especially when it comes to the big stuff. Through engagement with the Religious Education curriculum, students have the opportunity to explore these questions, discover the Catholic faith, and build confidence in what they believe and why.

K-6 Religious Education Curriculum

Applying the same level of rigour as they do to every learning area, our dedicated primary school teachers nurture each student's relationship with Jesus Christ through Catholic catechesis (teaching the faith) and prayer and practices (living the faith). By incorporating storytelling and creative arts into the curriculum's delivery, students are deeply engaged and supported to develop all aspects of Religious Literacy.

In the primary years, the Religious Education curriculum is based on the four movements of the Emmaus story (Luke 24:13-35):

  • Making Sense
  • Gaining Access
  • Celebrating, and
  • Responding.

The content and themes of learning aim to lead students towards love of God, love for others, and love for all of creation, as they become open to the presence and activity of God in their lives. Ultimately, Religious Education is designed to help students encounter Jesus, understanding that “we love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19) and empowering them to contribute positively to the culture and their community. 

Christmas Story Art Exhibition and Competition

Each year, students in Years 5 and 6 are invited to explore the Christmas story through art. Hundreds of budding young artists take part, with finalists having their pieces displayed at a public exhibition in the Wollongong City Art Gallery.

Learn more and view the digital gallery

7-12 Religious Education Curriculum

The 7-12 (secondary school) Religious Education Curriculum assists students to reflect, celebrate, and live more deeply the mystery of Christ. As students mature into their teenage years, the curriculum encourages students to explore their questions and enter into a relationship with Jesus, while challenging them to live out the Gospel values in their everyday lives.

Students are invited to examine the Scriptures, participate in personal and communal prayer, and live out the Church's Catholic Social Teaching.

The secondary Religious Education curriculum provides opportunities for young people to develop themselves holistically, based upon the teachings of Jesus, so that they may become bearers of Christ’s love, act as a voice for good in the world, and live life to the full (John 10:10). 

Religious Literacy Assessment (RLA)

High school students sitting on bench outdoors with laptop.
Year 4 RLA
Year 8 RLA

Year 4 RLA

Year 4 Religious Literacy Assessment

The primary years Religious Literacy Assessment program evaluates how students use literacy skills to communicate their understanding of the religious tradition to themselves, peers, teachers, and members of the wider community. 

The assessment involves all Year 4 students across the Diocese of Wollongong and consists of a multiple choice paper. Questions are focused on students' knowledge and understanding of Religious Education concepts from Kindergarten to Year 4 and what they mean for the way we live.

Data gathered from the assessment are analysed to inform teaching in schools, and to recognise and celebrate learning in the domain of Religious Education in the Wollongong Diocese.

Year 8 RLA

Year 8 Religious Literacy Assessment

Through the Religious Education curriculum, young people are exposed to the core teachings of the Catholic faith, our Scriptures, and the history and tradition of the Catholic Church. Students are equipped with the ability to act like Christ as they encounter the many experiences life offers them. Developing students’ Religious Literacy is central to these aims.

Religious Education is treated with the same rigour as other subjects, including in the approach to assessment and reporting. As part of this approach, Year 8 students take part in an annual diocesan Religious Literacy Assessment. This assessment focuses on students’ knowledge and understanding of the key concepts that are taught throughout their Religious Education from all units of work across Stage 4, as well as the application of these concepts in their everyday life.

Catholic Care Wollongong
Catholic Diocese of Wollongong
Catholic Schools NSW
National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC)