Ready to be part of something greater? Whether you’re a teacher, administrator, or support staff, your role is integral to shaping the next generation grounded in faith, service, and compassion.

This page provides an overview of all of the essential requirements to work in a Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong school. There are different requirements depending on the role you are applying for, so please take the time to read the relevant sections carefully. Of course, if you have any questions or need any assistance our Talent Acquisition team is ready to help.

Eligibility requirements for teaching

To teach in one of our Catholic schools, the following requirements are essential:

  • Accreditation from NESA: You must have a valid accreditation from the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). If you haven't registered yet, you can apply directly through the NESA website.
  • Approval by CEDoW, which includes: 
    • Compliance with NSW Child Protection legislation, including a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC). 
    • Providing evidence of your qualifications, teaching experience, and, if applicable, authorisation to work in Australia.

Teaching Religious Education

To work as a primary school classroom teacher or to teach Religious Education in a secondary school, teachers require Religious Education accreditation. This is achieved by a combination of:

  1. Demonstrating a commitment to the mission of Catholic education in the broader evangelising mission of the Catholic church; and
  2. Completing either an undergraduate (6 units) or postgraduate (4 units) in Religious Education/Theology. Financial scholarships are available to support you on this journey (in most cases, you’ll have five years after commencing your employment with CEDoW to complete this study).

To learn more about our requirements for working in a Catholic school, please download a copy of our Accreditation to Work Teach Lead Policy. View all other policies here.

Primary school students reading book outdoors in garden.

Committed to child safety

As school communities and as individuals, we commit to keeping children and young people safe, and to work together with them to create cultures that honour dignity and enrich wellbeing.

Learn more
Applying for approval to teach at CEDoW

Whether you're still studying, newly graduated, an experienced teacher or returning to the profession, you're welcome to apply for approval to teach at CEDoW.

Experienced Teachers
Undergraduate/Graduate Teachers

Experienced Teachers

Apply for approval to teach with CEDoW by following these steps:

Step 1: Check your NESA accreditation to teach is active.

Step 2: Check your Working with Children Check (WWCC) clearance for paid employment is active

Step 3: Gather your documentation, including:

  • Valid WWCC for paid employment
  • 100 point proof of identity. 
  • Where relevant, copy of Statement of Service
  • University official academic transcript/qualifications
  • Other relevant qualifications/certificates (e.g. First Aid Certificate)
  • Two referees who can attest to teaching experience
  • Banking and superannuation details
  • Tax file number

Step 4: Apply here

Undergraduate/Graduate Teachers

Apply for approval to teach with CEDoW by following these steps:

Step 1: Apply for accreditation to NESA, and obtain a NESA ID

Step 2: Obtain a Working with Children Check (WWCC) clearance for paid employment

Step 3: Gather your documentation, including:

  • Valid WWCC for paid employment
  • 100 point proof of identity
  • Copy of most recent practical experience report
  • Most recent university official academic transcript
  • Other relevant qualifications/certificates (e.g. First Aid Certificate)
  • A reference (preferably from your practicum supervisor)
  • Banking and superannuation details 
  • Tax file number

Step 4: Apply here

Frequently Asked Questions

Still unsure about something? We have the answers to some of your frequently asked questions below.

General FAQs

Do I need to be Catholic to work at CEDoW?
The application form asks me to tick a box if I’m Catholic. What is the criteria for ticking this box?
Am I required to have particular religious qualifications to work at a Catholic school?
How long does it take to gain approval to teach with CEDoW?
Can I transfer my teaching number from another diocese?
When applying for positions with CEDoW, is it essential that I have a priest as a referee?

Do I need to be Catholic to work at CEDoW?

We’re always looking for people who believe in the mission of Catholic education and want to make a difference in the lives of students, teachers, and school communities. Though each job has its own selection criteria, we celebrate having a diverse team of staff and are welcoming of people who share our Catholic values.

The application form asks me to tick a box if I’m Catholic. What is the criteria for ticking this box?

Please tick this box if you have received the Catholic sacrament of Baptism.

Am I required to have particular religious qualifications to work at a Catholic school?

If you’re interested in teaching at CEDoW, please note some teaching roles have different requirements for accreditation. See our Accreditation to Work Teach Lead Policy for further details.

In most cases, you’ll have five years to obtain your Religious Education qualification - so don’t let this deter you from applying for a position at one of our schools. We even offer scholarships to help teachers complete the course. 

How long does it take to gain approval to teach with CEDoW?

It generally takes about 4-6 weeks to obtain approval to teach with CEDoW, though it may depend on the time of year and if there are any gaps in your application. 

If you receive an offer of employment from a CEDoW school before receiving your employee ID number, please email with your details and the name of the school that made the offer. Once this has been verified, we may then be able to expedite your application. 

Please provide as many details you can in your email, including the name and contact details of the school employee who offered you employment.

Though you’re welcome to apply for a position before obtaining approval to teach at CEDoW, you’ll still require clearance before commencing your new role. 

Can I transfer my teaching number from another diocese?

Unfortunately you won’t be able to transfer your teaching number and will need to re-apply with CEDoW. 

When applying for positions with CEDoW, is it essential that I have a priest as a referee?

No, there are other options of alternative referees that are available. Having a priest as a referee is particularly important for applications for senior leadership positions. 

Casual employee FAQs

When am I eligible to apply for casual teaching approval?
Can I still apply for a teaching role with CEDoW before receiving approval to teach or an Employee ID/casual number?
How long does my casual teaching status stay valid for?
If I’ve previously had a permanent/contracted position with a CEDoW school and I now want to teach on a casual basis, do I need to re-apply?

When am I eligible to apply for casual teaching approval?

You’re welcome to apply for casual teaching approval once you’ve completed at least 75% of your teaching degree, and have received conditional accreditation from NESA. 

Can I still apply for a teaching role with CEDoW before receiving approval to teach or an Employee ID/casual number?

Yes, if you haven’t applied for Approval to Teach with CEDoW or received your Employee ID number yet, you can still apply for a job with us. You just won’t be able to commence your role until our team has provided you with clearance. 

How long does my casual teaching status stay valid for?

Your casual teaching status is valid for two years from the date of your approval letter. To maintain an active Employee ID number, however, you’ll need to meet minimum work requirements and ensure your WWCC and NESA details are up to date.

If I’ve previously had a permanent/contracted position with a CEDoW school and I now want to teach on a casual basis, do I need to re-apply?

No, you don’t need to apply for approval to teach again. If you’re in this position, please contact to be added to Tap for Teacher and obtain a letter indicating your approval to seek casual employment. 

Undergraduate/graduate teacher FAQs

What do I need to apply for a teaching position at CEDoW?
I’m still studying and unable to include a copy of my final transcript. What should I do?
How long does my casual teaching status stay valid for?
Do you need my entire practicum report booklet?
I’m qualified to teach in a secondary school but want to teach in a primary school (or vice versa). Is this possible?

What do I need to apply for a teaching position at CEDoW?

Each job application form will guide you through the specific requirements of your role and the documents you’ll need to provide us with, though generally these include: 

  • Accreditation to NESA, and a NESA ID. 
  • A valid Working with Children Check (WWCC) clearance for paid employment. 
  • 100 point proof of identity. 
  • Copy of most recent practical experience report. 
  • Copy of most recent practical experience report. 
  • Most recent university official academic transcript. 
  • Other relevant qualifications/certificates (e.g. First Aid Certificate). 
  • A reference (preferably from your practicum supervisor). 
  • Banking and superannuation details. 
  • Tax file number.

I’m still studying and unable to include a copy of my final transcript. What should I do?

You’ll need to contact your university’s student centre to obtain an official copy of your most recent academic transcript. In chronological order, this must list the name of the course you’re enrolled in, the units you’ve completed, and your grades.

Please note, we require official academic transcripts from your university and don’t accept online reports or printouts of your results summary in lieu. 

How long does my casual teaching status stay valid for?

Though your casual teaching status is valid for two years from the date of your approval letter, to maintain an active Employee ID number, you’ll need to meet minimum work requirements and ensure your WWCC and NESA details are up to date.

Do you need my entire practicum report booklet?

Yes, we need evidence of the number of days you’ve completed in your practicum and a copy of your supervisor’s comments. We also use this as part of your references.

If your university doesn’t list the dates/days of your practicum, please submit at least two practicum reports. 

I’m qualified to teach in a secondary school but want to teach in a primary school (or vice versa). Is this possible?

Not usually, though we are happy to provide you with further information if you’d like to discuss this with us. Please contact 

Experienced/returning teachers FAQs

What do I need to apply for a teaching position at CEDoW?
What information does a Statement of Service need to contain?
I’ve worked in various public schools. Do I need to get a Statement of Service from each school?
Do I need to wait for my previous employer to issue a Statement of Service before I submit my application?

What do I need to apply for a teaching position at CEDoW?

Each job application form will guide you through the specific requirements of your role and the documents you’ll need to provide us with, though generally these include: 

  • An active NESA accreditation to teach. 
  • A valid Working with Children Check (WWCC) clearance for paid employment.-
  • 100 point proof of identity. 
  • University official academic transcript/qualifications.
  • Other relevant qualifications/certificates (e.g. First Aid Certificate)
  • Two referees who can attest to your teaching experience.
  • Banking and superannuation details
  • Tax file number

Where relevant, you’ll also need to provide us with a copy of your Statement of Service.

What information does a Statement of Service need to contain?

A Statement of Service must include: 

  • Your position title. 
  • Your start date and termination date for each teaching position held.
  • Details of if the role was full time or part time (if part time, specify the number of hours worked per day or full-time equivalent (FTE)). 
  • Your total number of casual days completed (if applicable). 
  • Your total number of days taken as leave without pay. If no days of leave without pay were taken, this must also be stated.

It’s important that this document is accurate and specific to ensure you’re classified correctly and paid the correct amount. 

I’ve worked in various public schools. Do I need to get a Statement of Service from each school?

If you’ve worked in public schools in NSW, you don’t need to obtain a Statement of Service (Record of Employment) from each school - you’ll simply be able to obtain a single Statement of Service from the Department of Education for your service as a teacher within all public schools in the state. 

Please note, this process can take up to eight weeks. 

Do I need to wait for my previous employer to issue a Statement of Service before I submit my application?

If you are unable to submit your Statements of Service from previous teaching positions along with your original application, then please state in an email to that you want your application to be processed based only on your submitted documents. It is important that you understand and acknowledge that this may impact your rate of pay. Once you have the Statements of Service, you can request to be reclassified.

Catholic Care Wollongong
Catholic Diocese of Wollongong
Catholic Schools NSW
National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC)