Teachers Gather for Eco Networking

'Environment Matters' Blog | Teachers Gather for Eco Networking

Posted 5 June 2024 by Catholic Education in 'Environment Matters' Blog

Recently the WEN Teacher Contacts gathered for their annual professional learning day. This day titled, Caring for Our Common Home, Our School, is an opportunity for WEN Contacts from across the diocese to network, collaborate and share ideas and learning about ecological conversion and environmental action.

The day provided formation, conversation and inspiration for teachers. This year's network day included an extended prayer and formation experience that focussed on Healing Our Throwaway Society and eliminating plastics, as well as exploring the Laudato Si' Movement's Contemplation website.

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Teachers were inspired by the story of St Joseph Bulli's Cosmic Walk Mosaic as well as hearing about the creative eco projects from the 2023 CEDoW Environmental Education Grants. There was also an opportunity to unpack Pope Francis' recent Apostolic Exhortation, Laudate Deum and look at various ecological websites, resources and the new Catholic Earthcare Accreditation criteria.


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