CEDoW Scholarship Programs


Our Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong (CEDoW) scholarship programs aim to support current staff, potential future staff and Year 12 students to gain university qualifications, support the ongoing professional learning of the CEDoW staff, and to build the capacity of CEDoW workforce.

The scholarship programs contribute to the realisation of the vision of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Wollongong and in response to the NSW and ACT Catholic Bishops’ call in the 2007 Pastoral Letter: 'Catholic Schools at a Crossroads'.

As a strategic aspect of future workforce planning, the programs recognise the need for ongoing and extensive formation and support for all staff across a range of fields and career stages, in order to be well-equipped to lead and sustain Catholic schools into the future.

In addition, a number of scholarships have been set up to attract the best and brightest to the teaching profession, as well as address specific areas of need. Under the banner of 'Step Into Teaching', these scholarships are offered to students who are graduating from our schools and pursuing teaching as a career. They also target university students who are studying courses in areas determined to be of specific need for future sustainability. 

“Teaching is a beautiful job; as it allows you to see the growth day by day.
It is a little like being parents, at least spiritually.

It is a great responsibility”
— Pope Francis


1) Scholarships for CEDoW Employees

Teaching Staff:

Scholarship support to gain postgraduate qualifications to meet Level D - WTL accreditation requirements to teach Religious Education

Scholarship support to gain qualifications to meet Level D accreditation requirements to teach Religious Education, according to the CEDoW Accreditation to Work, Teach and Lead Policy.

Who can apply?
  • Permanent teaching staff
  • Temporary teaching staff in the 2nd year of a temporary full time or part-time contract with CEDoW
  • Employees (full time temporary or permanent) who completed post-graduate Religious Education studies through BBI during their undergraduate degrees through Western Sydney University or University of Wollongong.
  • Students post 2021 are eligible to apply. 
What's on Offer?

50% reimbursement of tuition fees on successful completion, to a maximum four (4) units of the postgraduate qualification.

Relevant Documents

Teacher Information Flyer

Application Form

Reimbursement Form

Scholarship support to gain postgraduate qualifications to meet Level E - WTL accreditation requirements

Scholarship support to gain postgraduate qualifications to meet Level E accreditation requirements to teach Religious Education, according to the CEDoW Accreditation to Work, Teach and Lead Policy.


Permanent teaching staff and leaders who have been employed by CEDoW for a minimum of three (3) years.


50% reimbursement of tuition fees on successful completion, to a maximum of twelve (12) units of the postgraduate qualification. (Please note conditions apply.)


Teacher Information Flyer

Application Form

Reimbursement Form

Scholarship support to gain Master Level in either Religious Education/Theology and Catholic/Educational Leadership

Scholarship support to gain Master Level in either Religious Education/Theology and Catholic/Educational Leaderhip.


Permanent teaching staff and leaders who have been employed by CEDoW for a minimum of three (3) years.


50% reimbursement of tuition fees on successful completion, to a maximum of twelve (12) units of the postgraduate qualification. (Please note conditions apply.)


Teacher Information Flyer

Application Form

Reimbursement Form

Scholarship support to gain qualification in nominated specific Curriculum Areas

Scholarship support to gain qualifications in nominated specific Curriculum Areas at Graduate Certificate and Master Level.


Graduate Certificate Level:

  • Permanent teaching staff and leaders
  • Temporary teaching staff in the 2nd year of a temporary full-time or part-time contract with CEDoW

Master Level:

  • Permanent teaching staff and leaders who have been employed by CEDoW for a minimum of three (3) continuous years.

50% reimbursement of tuition fees on successful completion, to a maximum of twelve (12) units of the postgraduate qualification. (Please note conditions apply.)


Teacher Information Flyer

Application Form

Reimbursement Form

Non-Teaching Staff:

Scholarship support for completing a final practicum/internship for their teaching degree

Scholarship support for non-teaching staff who are completing a final practicum/internship for their teaching degree.


School support officers who are:

  • Permanent
  • Employed on a temporary full time or part-time contract for a minimum of three (3) years with CEDoW

50% of regular fortnightly salary for the period of the final practicum.


Non-Teaching Staff Information Flyer

Application Form


2) Scholarships for Initial Teacher Education Students 

YEAr 11 students in cedow schools - STEP UP INTO TEACHING PROGRAM (SUIT):

In partnership with the Australian Catholic University (ACU), CEDoW offers Year 11 students scholarship opportunities 

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Students have the opportunity to complete two undergraduate units of a teaching degree prior to completing their HSC. 

Who can apply?

Current Year 11 students in our CEDoW schools who intend on undertaking a career in teacher education at ACU. 

what's on offer?
  • One scholarship available per school per year.
  • Total value of support per student of $1,800. 
  • Opportunity to complete two undergraduate units of a teaching degree prior to completing the HSC. 
  • Successful completion of both units will gain each student early entry into an education degree of their choice.

Applications are available via schools TaPs coordinators. 


"A great first hand experience of what university will be like. This program provided me with the opportunity to use and become familiar with Moodle, and this was an amazing thing as I feel it has prepared me for what to expect in the coming university years" - Christina Kelly, St Francis Catholic College, Edmondson Park. 

"Amazing opportunity to solidify my pathway into teaching. I was able to get a university experience on campus and interacting with student life services. I was introduced to services such as the library and referencing. I also met a lot of new people from other dioceses" - Dakota Lewis, St Benedict's Catholic College, Oran Park.

Relevant Documents

Information Flyer



Year 12 Students in CEDoW Schools - STEP INTO TEACHING PROGRAM:

Scholarship support for Year 12 students in CEDoW schools and non-systemic schools seeking to enrol in select undergraduate degrees

Scholarship support for students seeking to enrol in one of the following areas:

  • Primary and Secondary teaching degree at the University of Notre Dame or Australian Catholic University


    Bachelor of Education at either Western Sydney University or University of Wollongong with a commitment to completing the Broken Bay Institute (BBI) Religious Education units as part of their education degree. 

  • Secondary education at any university in any curriculum area. 

Current Year 12 students in both catholic and non-systemic schools who intend on commencing undergraduate courses in teacher training in either primary or secondary education (further details of which are in the flyer below). 

  • Ten (10) scholarships available per year
  • Total of $20,000 over four (4) years
  • Opportunity for indentured conditionally permanent teaching position in the diocese on completion
  • Potential offer of classroom school support officer employment during the first 3 years of university study

SIT Student Information Flyer

Application Form

SIT Student Scholarship Agreement

Reimbursement Application Form

CEDoW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students - step into teaching program:

Scholarship support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in CEDoW schools seeking to enrol in select undergraduate degrees

Scholarship support for students seeking to enrol in one of the following areas: 

  • Primary and secondary teaching degree at the University of Notre Dame or Australian Catholic University 


    Bachelor of Education at either Western Sydney University or University of Wollongong with a commitment to completing the Broken Bay Institute (BBI) Religious Education units as part of their education degree. 

  • Secondary education at any University in any curriculum area 

Current Year 12 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students from CEDoW systemic secondary schools (excluding students John Therry Catholic College, Rosemeadow – see Eileen O'Connor Scholarship information below)

  • One (1) scholarship available per school per year
  • Total of $20,000 over four (4) years
  • Mentor support
  • Conditional permanent teaching position in a cluster of the diocese on successful completion of the teaching degree (three (3) years must be indentured)
  • Potential offer of classroom school support officer during the four (4) year university study

SIT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship Flyer

Application Form

SIT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship Agreement

Reimbursement Form


3) Eileen O’Connor Scholarship

Scholarship support for Year 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at John Therry Catholic College, Rosemeadow 

Scholarship support for students seeking to enrol in one of the following areas:

  • Primary or secondary teaching degree at The University of Notre Dame or the Australian Catholic University
  • Bachelor of Education at either Western Sydney University or University of Wollongong with a commitment to completing the Broken Bay Institute (BBI) Religious Education units as part of their education degree
  • Secondary teaching degree at any university in any curriculum area
  • Health or Allied Services degree any NSW university

John Therry Catholic College Rosemeadow current Year 12 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students.

  • Two (2) scholarships available per year
  • Total of $20,000 over four (4) years
  • Mentor support from a Diocesan Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early career teacher or experienced allied health professional
  • Conditional permanent teaching position in a cluster of the Diocese on successful completion of the teaching degree (three (3) years must be indentured)
  • Support with application for positions with a relevant Catholic health employer or Aboriginal Health Centre
  • Potential opportunity for employment as a classroom school support officer during the first three years of university study

John Therry Eileen O’Connor Scholarship Program Flyer

Application Form

Eileen O’Connor Scholarship Agreement

Reimbursement Form


4) Mid-Degree Pre-service Teachers Scholarship - step into teaching program

Applications are confined to two ‘Application in-take periods per year, as follows:

  • Semester 1 application dates: 1 April to 30 April.
  • Semester 2 application dates: 1 October to 31 October.


Scholarship support for any undergraduate or postgraduate teacher education students 

Scholarship support for any Undergraduate or Postgraduate Teacher Education Students who meet the following criteria:

  • Entering their third year of an undergraduate teaching degree or second year of a postgraduate teaching degree in 2024. 

Undergraduates and postgraduates undertaking any primary or secondary teaching degrees. 

  • Ten (10) scholarships per year
  • $5,000 per year for the remaining length of the degree to a maximum of two years
  • Potential offer of classroom school support officer employment
  • Opportunity for indentured conditional permanent teaching position in the diocese on completion of the course.

Scholarship Flyer

Application Form

SIT Scholarship Agreement


Leadership and Professional Growth Team
People and Culture
E: SIT@dow.catholic.edu.au
Ph: (02) 4253 0800